Thursday, May 30, 2013

Attack Of The Killer Beaver

   It's true! In Belarus, a 60 year old man died after being attacked by the beaver he was trying to photograph. Now, you don't normally acquaint the beaver with a fatal attack, even though they have nasty, long, sharp, pointy teeth that continually grow.
   I mean at worst, you'd think our guy would get a few bites, maybe lose a little skin, have stitches and survive. But this particularly nasty beaver bit the mans leg so hard he severed the femoral artery, and our guy bled to death.
   And while this is an extreme case, there have been other reports of beavers attacking people, cars and what have you due to a population boom of the toothy critters.
   I guess in this case, the beaver really did have teeth!
   'Nuff said.

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