Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How The Mighty Have Fallen

   And the fall was very hard indeed for the once mighty American Idol. Or Karaoke Night in America as I call it. The ratings are in for the season finale, and shows 14.3 million people tuned in. That's a plunge of 33% from last year, when 21.5 million watched. And it's also less than half of the all-time record of some 38 million in season 2. Which was the only season I actually watched.
   And the news gets even worse. The key young adult demographic the show (and advertisers) target saw a 44% drop from last year. Even though the show has been losing in the ratings all year, the numbers for the big finale must have been a brutal shock to producers. In fact, the season ending show only placed in 3rd in it's timeslot.
   With the only original judge, Randy Jackson, saying adios, and the future of the other 3 in limbo at the moment, you have to wonder how much longer this turkey can continue. I'm sure the show will continue to be milked for at least one season, but I also think the cow has dried up, and the only option left is to turn it into cheap hamburger.
   Will I shed any tears if Idol goes bye-bye? Shit no. I haven't cared for years, and I ain't about to start now.
   'Nuff said.

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