Monday, May 27, 2013

Maybe They Just Couldn't Wait?..UPDATE

   A couple of airborne stories to pass on to you today. One from the U.S, where a man allegedly tried to open an emergency door on an Alaska Airlines flight from Alaska to Oregon. That would be bad enough as it is, but this plane was still in the sky! It seems our hero (or zero as the case may be) was muttering unusual statements before trying to pry the door open as the flight was descending.
   He didn't get far, as several passengers and flight crew quickly tackled and hog-tied him with shoelaces and seat belt extensions. When they had him trussed up like Auntie May's Thanksgiving turkey, they propped him in a seat with several "big guys" around him for safe measure. Needless to say, he's facing charges.
   From Canada comes story of another impatient passenger. But unlike the guy above, this one actually did manage to pop open an emergency door as the plane was taxiing in, and did manage to jump to the apron below. He was arrested, then taken to hospital for treatment of supposed minor injuries.
   Now, I know de-planning is a bitch, but that's a little ridiculous!
   And one final note: Happy Memorial Day to my American friends.
   'Nuff said.
   *****I found out a little more about our 2nd hero in this story. He did bail out of a moving plane in Toronto, but was uninjured. He won't be charged, either, because he has a history of "mental problems". Like peeling open an emergency exit on a moving plane and jumping out.*****

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