Thursday, December 6, 2012

More Random Thursday Ratbag Ramblings

   And we'll start today with Justin Bieber. The Grammy nominations came out today (yeah, I usually wouldn't care either) and it seems he was shut out. That in turn lead his manager to rant about it on Twitter. Does the Beeb deserve a Grammy nomination? In my humble(?) opinion: Shit no. Not unless you're gonna give a Grammy to the guy who invented autotune in the first place, since it seems that's about the only way that turd can sign. Well, that and lip-synching. Anyway, his manager went on and on about how the kid "deserved" it, yadda-yadda-yadda. Since his "fan" base seems to be early teen age girls, I'm not surprised. Scooter (that's his name) Braun was, tweeting the Grammy committee "blew it". I disagree. I think they got it dead right with him. Especially after he BANNED music critics and commentators from his shows after the negative feedback he got at the Grey Cup game. As for who did get the I said, I don't care, and will NOT be watching the Grammys, thereby keeping a strong tradition alive.
   Moving on.
   Kate-mania continues after her release from hospital today. She'd been in since Monday for a severe morning sickness symptom. And as I predicted, the media were rows deep waiting for a picture. She's going to be resting for a while at Kensington Palace. And while I maintain I have no gripe with her or the rest of the Windsor Mob, it might be for the best if she stayed there until the baby's born. Not only for her, but for the majority of us who don't really need to know every move she makes.
   Moving on.
   This has been a great week for space exploration. Not only is Voyager 1 nearing interstellar space (see my blog below), but NASA says they've found evidence of water ice at the north pole on the nearest planet to the sun, Mercury. Not overly surprising, since the pole tilts at just 1 degree, and there's no atmosphere to deflect the suns radiated heat. They also say the latest Mars rover's first probe of Martian dirt shows.....dirt! With no sign of organic compounds. Nor did they find any sign of the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator! Keep looking Curiosity.
   Till next time:
   'Nuff said.

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