Friday, December 7, 2012

It's Not Funny Anymore

   You've no doubt heard this by now. A nurse at the London hospital that was treating the Duchess of Cambridge (Kate) was found dead this morning. Jacintha Saldanha was the person who answered the phone at King Edward VII hospital, and passed the callers on to the ward nurse who gave what were supposed to be confidential details of her morning sickness to the callers, who were supposed to be the Queen and Prince Charles. It was, of course, 2 disc jockeys at an Australian radio station pretending to be the royals.
   These 2 ass-clowns (Michael Christian and Mel Greig) later apologized for the prank, which has turned tragic. Police in London say it appears Jacintha took her own life, but they have yet to definitively link her role in passing the call on to her death.
   The D.J's say they're shocked over the death, and would stay off their show until further notice because of it. My guess is management yanked them off the air, and are now deciding whether or not to make it permanent. Reports I've seen say the station in question was still promoting the hoax an hour news of Saldanha's death broke.
   Saldanha was a married mother of 2, and hospital officials in London say she was a very good nurse, and was not facing any disciplinary action for her role in the prank.
   So, what should happen now? From my perspective the 2 idiots who started the prank should be fired, and banned from radio for life. Not only that, but either they or their station should be held liable for any role this "prank" played in Saldanha's death. And they should be forced to compensate her family.
   And I'm sure this won't be the last time someone tries such a stunt. But before any of you radio people think about pulling something, also think of the consequences that may happen in the fallout.
   'Nuff said.

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