Monday, December 31, 2012

Oh Shit, She's Reproducing!

   Sad but true. Kim Kartrashian is carrying Kanye West's spawn, meaning yet another addition to the seemingly endless supply of Kardashians. And, no doubt, yet another "reality" show about her and the kid.
   And it also means 9 months hearing about her every time she fucking pukes or something. At least until the brat's born. Then who knows how much more bullshit we'll be hearing about the baby etc. Which makes me wonder. Will she give birth like a human, or will the kid sorta grow under her left armpit in a pod before dropping off and morphing into human form? Sorry. That was unkind. Tough shit. One thing though. At least being preggers, her gut will help offset that massive ass of hers. Sort of balance her out.
   And now the question of names has to be brought up, and I have 2 suggestions. If it's a boy, Karl and if it's a girl, Kristina. All in keeping with the family tradition of naming their kids with a "K". But I don't know how that'll fly with daddy. I mean either way it's going to end up Kim, Kanye, Karl. Or Kim, Kanye, Kristina. Somehow I don't think Mr. West is going to like his kids initials being K.K.K, do you?
   'Nuff said.

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