Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Trains 7, People 6 (Provisional)

   We do indeed have an updated scorecard in our Trains vs People match. And, yes, People have pulled out an astonishing comeback.....provisionally. Why just provisionally? Well, it seems the people who survived were all contract workers for C.N Rail. It seems they were doing routine maintenance on a stretch of track near Edmonton, Alberta, when a train leaving the city struck them, leaving them with serious injuries.
   But does this count? The scorecard I was tallying on was for those who became Darwin nominees by taking themselves out of the gene pool, or those who were lucky (or drunk) enough to survive a near miss. There were the 2 guys who died within days of each other earlier this year crossing tracks while listening to music on their ear-buds. Shit, one was even texting at the time. Then there was another guy who got clobbered while crossing the tracks also listening to music. There were 3 (if memory serves) in Regina, Saskatchewan, and one near Saskatoon. The survivors were mostly drunks.
   But you know what? In the spirit of the season, I'm going to credit these 3, and hopefully all survive.
   So, as 2012 draws to a close, it's Trains 7, People 6.
   'Nuff said.

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