Friday, December 14, 2012

It's Happened Again

   A horrific scene in Newton, Connecticut where a gunman walked into an elementary school and started shooting. When it was over, 27 people including 20 students were dead. The shooter, 24 year old Ryan Lanza of New Jersey, was also found dead, but it's not known if he killed himself or police did. Also killed was the school's principal, psychologist and the shooters mother, who was a teacher at the school. Police say she was killed before the rampage started. One report says an entire classroom was unaccounted for. Several of the injured had serious wounds.
   Witnesses say Lanza had 4 weapons and had a bullet-proof vest on. Some accounts say as many as 100 shots were fired. Reports I've seen say cops picked up another person in the woods nearby wearing camo pants. It's not clear of he was an accomplice.
   If the death toll is 27, it would be one of the worst mass killings in U.S history, and will certainly re-ignite the debate over gun control down there. And maybe it's time my American friends took a serious look at some form of control after this, the Oregon mall shooting and the massacre at the Batman movie earlier this year.
   The tough question is would even a watered down version of what we in Canada have even work? My guess is no. Even before the gun lobby gets started, there's the Constitutional Amendment on the right to bear arms.
   But after this horrific incident, you almost need to stop and wonder if the right to bear arms supersedes the right of young children to grow old, have kids and grandkids of their own. In my opinion, no. It does not.
   Whatever the outcome. it will not be a Merry Christmas for the families of those killed in yet another senseless bloodbath.
   'Nuff said.

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