Wednesday, December 12, 2012


   It is December 12, 2012, one of the days for the supposed apocalypse. And apparently, those forecasts may have been a bit more accurate than we thought. Because sometime this morning, a large asteroid zoomed through our cosmic backyard. How large? About 3 miles across at it's widest point. Large enough to cause massive damage had it hit the earth. How close in our cosmic backyard? 4.3 million miles. Admittedly, that's quite a ways off, but still a near miss when you look at some of the other distances in the solar system. And today, 12/12/12, marked the space rock called "Toutatis" closest approach.
   If the sky was clear in your part of the world, you might've been able to see it. If you had a "top notch" telescope. In fact, you might still be able to see it over the next few days.
   How catastrophic would a direct hit have been? Scientists believe the asteroid that caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago was about twice the size of Toutatis.
   But it's not all gloom and doom. Not by a long shot. Thousands of couples got married on 12/12/12, and there was one kid who had his 12th birthday today. And according to his birth records, he was born at 12:12 p.m.
   And in case you're wondering, the next repeat date won't be for another 88 years.
   I'm still waiting got 21/12/12, the date an ancient Mayan calendar says will see the end of the world. Planning for my "End Of The World" bash is going well. The booze has been bought, and I'm laying in a huge stock of Advil for the bitch of a hangover I know I'll wake up with when, not surprisingly, the sun rises on the 22nd.
   'Nuff said.

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