Saturday, December 15, 2012

She's Baaaack.....Again

   Yup! The Senator's wife is back in the news again. But this time, 23 year old Maygan Sensenberger is without her 69 year old hubby, Senator Rod Zimmer. Seems May is trying to make over her "Crazy Airplane Lady" image by starring in a movie.
   I'm not shitting you. May is in a movie. And she's got the starring role to boot! Seems she's been cast as Grand Mother in the digital film "First Ladies", which is being screened in Ottawa at the Digi60 film festival.
   Seems May is the head of state of North America in the process of establishing world peace with an all female government. Yeah, right. Not that women can't govern, and certainly it would be a lot more peaceful if they did (probably), but Maygan Sensenberger?!? You'll remember she was busted on a flight to Saskatoon for allegedly threatening her husband. That charge was eventually dropped.
   The director of this "epic" says May was easy to work with, and has a future in acting (cough, cough), and they're working on a feature film.
   I guess casting her as Grand Mother actually made sense, since she's sleeping with someone old enough to be her grandfather. As for the acting, well I've already blogged about that.
   Will I be watching this film? Fuck, no. I'd rather watch paint dry. Or my cat hacking up a fur ball. I just wish she'd fade into obscurity.
   'Nuff said.

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