Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday Ratbag Ramblings

   'Tis the season when things start winding down ahead of the festive season, and also on the sites I scan regularly. Mostly politics and the economy; Snore. That's one reason I haven't been posting much lately. So today, it's another ramble.
   And we'll start with Justin Bieber:
   As you know by now, I'm not a fan of the little twerp, but my dislike of him has been topped by a guy in the States who actually hired a couple of hitmen to bump him off. Seriously! Dana Martin is already serving 2 life sentences for raping and killing a girl in Vermont. He tried to hire 2 guys to castrate the Beeb, and strangle him with a paisley necktie! Oh, yeah. It was supposed to happen during a concert at Madison Square Garden last month. The plot unravelled, and Beebs lived to lipsynch on.
   In England, a guy died while going "Gangnam Style". He was doing the horse riding maneuver when he complained of chest pain and collapsed Saturday. The guy was a married father of 3, and was at a Christmas party. Needless to say, British cardiologists are warning older men not to over exert themselves during the festive season.
   Finally, car news. Seems a guy in San Francisco has invented a gyroscopically stabilized car called the "LIT C1". The car will do 0 to 60 in 6 seconds, have a top speed of 120 mph and a range of 200 miles. And it's not electrically powered either. No, it runs on good old gas. The base price for this is 24 thousand dollars, and what sets it apart from other autos is the fact it has only 2 wheels. We used to call those "motorcycles". True, this is totally enclosed, and it costs 24 grand. Shit, for that kind of cash you can find a used sports car for a lot less, if you don't mind an older vehicle.
   But having to put up with our Canadian winters, my bet would be a honking big 4X4.
   'Nuff said.

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