Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's A Fake

   It was hard to avoid this viral video making the rounds the other day. A friend of mine showed it to me, and after the "What-The-Fuck-Was-That" moment, we watched again to be sure what we thought we saw was what we actually saw. And we saw a golden eagle swoop down from the sky and snatch a little kid right off he ground! The bird didn't get far before dropping the tyke, who you see crying but otherwise unhurt. Holy shit! This supposedly happened in Montreal, Quebec.
   The story (and video) made headlines across Canada and even internationally. It got millions of views in just one day. And, of course, it never really happened.
   3 students in 3-D animation have come forward to say they staged the whole thing using computer graphics for the eagle and the baby after studying other viral videos, and coming up what what sure looks real. Until you look again. When you see the "bird" drop the "child", the kid is still rising, even after the talons let go. And the "child" in question isn't struggling, which you'd expect.
   So, why did they do it? As part of a project. They spent 400 hours creating the video, and the school gave a perfect score to any video getting more than 100 thousand views.
   I guess these guys passed with "flying" colors!
   'Nuff said.

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