Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cold Cocked

   It would seem a U.S veteran was recently. The man, Mike Nash, is suing several groups for 10 million dollars. It seems Mr. Nash went to a V.A hospital in Kentucky for groin surgery. And no, what you expected to happen did not happen. Well, at least not at the start.
   Nash claims that after the surgery, nurses at the hospital kept his....uh...."manhood" packed in ice for 19 hours. With the result he says was a frostbitten penis which went gangrenous, and a large part had to be amputated. Ouch!
   His lawyers say he'll need reconstructive surgery.
   As horrible as his fate was, I've got to wonder. Did keeping his dick on ice cause significant shrinkage? Just askin'.
  'Nuff said.

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