Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday Musings

   And we start with a story about an issue that's become all to commonplace. Cyber bullying. You may have heard about this, it's sure making headlines in Canada. 15 year old Amanda Todd committed suicide last week, after suffering years of torment, both on line and in real life. She was 12 when someone on a chat site convinced her to flash herself. She did, and that's when the trouble started. I won't go into detail, but the upshot is she had to change schools several times, and the man who (allegedly) grabbed the picture of her continues to pester her. I don't know if you've seen her video, but it's heartrending to say the least.
   Now, someone has come forward claiming to know the identity of the man who convinced Amanda to flash. Of course, police and lawyers are now protecting HIM, asking people not to take vigilante action.
   Bullcrap. I say take the S.O.B and (if guilty) nail his testicles to a tree and let him hang there.

   On a somewhat happier note, a woman in France was stuck with a huge cell phone bill. For 15 quadrillion dollars. That's 15 with 15 zero's behind it. Needless to say, she can't pay that. To the phone company's credit, even though it took several frantic calls on her part, they realized their mistake and issued the woman a bill for 150 dollars.

   And on a much happier note, the NHL handed the players union a new revenue share proposal at a meeting in Toronto today, calling for a 50-50 split. The union has (at the time of writing) yet to respond. If they do settle, the season would start November 2nd.
   And if true, it would also spell the end of the Leaf's streak of no losses so far this season.
   Get it done!!
   'Nuff said.

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