Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Earth!

   Yup! Today our good, old planet celebrates a birthday! It was October 23, 4004 B.C at 9:00 a.m Greenwich Mean Time that "god" created our planet, which would make her 6008. That's a hell of a lot of candles! Luckily, there are hurricanes to blow them all out.
   The date was arrived at by a James Ussher, who lived back in the 1600's, who used a literal reading of The Big Book Of Thou Shalt Not (the bible). Supposedly, he used the first 2 books to do it. The exact time was arrived at by some guy named Dr. John Lightfoot.
   I'm not going to bore you with the where's and why fores of how they arrived at their (wrong) conclusions, but it's painfully obvious, even to some dyed in the wool christians that the date/time ARE wrong. Let alone having scientifically proven facts to blast more holes in those suppositions than there are in Swiss Cheese.
   Earth may LOOK 6008, but she's a lot older than that. Much older. Many thousands of times older. And don't forget the dinosaurs, although creationists would love to, since they throw a monkey wrench into their neat, buttoned down version of how they think things got to where they are now. Of course, they say "god" planted dino bones to obscure our thinking. I don't know how they arrived at that conclusion, since the bible does not mention dinosaurs. Although it does mention giants.
   And does the whole argument really matter anyway? I mean, some people say the Mayan calendar shows the world will clearly end December 21, 2012. I wonder if they might be wrong too? Whatever. I'll be blogging about it on the 22nd.
   And a Happy Birthday Earth!
   'Nuff said.

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