Friday, September 28, 2012

PETA Is At It Again

   And in a very non-original move, they are once again running billboards condemning the consumption of turkeys for the upcoming Canadian Thanksgiving.
   It's the same ad these nut bars ran last year saying "Kids, if you wouldn't eat your dog, why eat turkey?" with a picture of a half dog-half turkey.
   The Perennial Eco Terrorist Assholes say they want kids to start questioning why it's o-kay to eat one animal, and not another. These no class idiots are putting the billboards up near schools in an obvious surrender move. Their message sure as hell hasn't worked on adults, so they're now targeting children.
   I wonder when they will get the hint that their tactics are not having the desired effect, and are in fact turning "soft" supporters of their cause against them with moves like this. Probably not.
   And while I'm on the subject of PETA ads, when are they going to drop Pam Anderson? She looks like she's been rode hard and put up wet. Which she probably has been many, many times.
 And since PETA to me means People Eating Tasty Animals, I'll have a big slice of nicely roasted turkey Thanksgiving day. With dressing stuffed inside the bird. And in a half ass attempt to go Vegan, I might even have mashed potatoes and carrots.
   Fuck that. just pass the meat!
   'Nuff said.

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