Thursday, October 18, 2012

Now That's A Beer!

   We've all done it. When you hit legal drinking age, or have fake I.D or someone willing to bootleg for you, you go to the liquor store and grab the highest test (alcohol) beer you can get. You know the stuff. It's got anywhere between 6 and 8% alcohol. Then, there are the revved up beers with an alcohol content similar to wine at 14%. Beers like Samichlaus.
   Then, you get to the ones with the same content as distilled spirits at 40%. There was one at 57% alcohol, Schorschbrau Schorschbock from Germany. That was the Guinness World Record. Until now.
   A Scottish brewery has popped the top on "Armageddon". With an alcohol content of, get ready for it, 65%! Each 330 ml bottle (that's 12 ounces in English) has the same alcohol content as 10 pints of high test Carlsberg. Or 16 times more potent that a pint of lager in a pub.
   And it ain't cheap either. One bottle will run $130.00. For one bottle! And checking the brewery's website, I couldn't find how they got the content that high. Probably a mix of distilling and/or freezing out the water. But they aren't saying. Anyway, one reviewer who tasted it says there was no alcohol "burn", and that it was quite smooth. A little too bitter for his taste, but smooth.
   Now, the company making this monstrosity says it's not a pizza beer, or something you can power slam. Shit, if you did, you'd probably end up pushing up the daisies from alcohol poisoning.
   No, Brewmeister Brewery says it's more like a brandy, or a good whiskey. Meant to be sipped with friends. And at 130 bucks a pop, you can bet problem drinkers won't touch it.
   But you can also be guaranteed that some stupid teen or young adult WILL power-bomb the whole thing back. Just to see what happens. Not that all young people are totally irresponsible, but I was young once, and I remember (sort of) doing just as idiotic stuff myself.
   Anyway, congratulations Armageddon, for being the most powerful beer in the world. Until someone "one-ups" you with something at 70%.
   Will I be trying it? Hell, no. I like my liver!
   'Nuff said.

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