Monday, October 29, 2012

There's a Storm Coming

   And her name is Sandy. No doubt you've already heard about the hurricane that killed 60 people in the Caribbean, and is now taking aim at the east coast. No doubt you've also heard that the hurricane could merge with an arctic front to produce what some are calling a "Frankenstorm" which could last through Halloween in some areas.
   City officials in New York are not taking any chances, since the storm surge is likely to combine with a full moon to produce huge tides. The subway is shut down, airlines have cancelled flights, New York stock markets are closed and even Broadway has halted shows. And that's just in one city! The storm is likely to be felt right up the eastern seaboard and into Canada's maritimes either tomorrow or Wednesday.
   Already, some officials are warning of massive power outages in the wake of Sandy, and stire shelves in several cities were almost bare as people get ready to hunker down.
   One U.S forecaster says it's the first time he's seen a snowfall advisory with a hurricane, and winter storms are forecast for parts of Ontario and Quebec.
   In addition to the devastation in the Caribbean, the storm has claimed one very famous victim:
   That's the HMS Bounty, and she was reportedly sunk off Cape Hatteras, Carolina. She was a replica of the same ship the Mutiny on the Bounty happened on in 1782. In fact, she was built in Canada for the 1962 movie of the same name, and also starred in the latest "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie.
   At the time of this writing, 14 of the 16 crew had been rescued, and the search was on for the remaining 2.
   As for Sandy, I hope she loses a lot of her punch by the time she makes landfall, but it doesn't look promising.
   'Nuff said.

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