Friday, October 26, 2012


   Yup, a cherry. But this is not your everyday average run of the mill cherry. You don't put this in a drink, and you certainly don't bake into a pie. No. This is a very special cherry, and it belongs (at least for now) to this woman:
   Her name is Catarina Migliorini, and she's a physical education student in Brazil. She's 20 years old. She's sold her virginity to a Japanese man in an on-line auction for $780 THOUSAND dollars. So, why? Why get paid to have her cherry popped?. Cat says she'll donate 90% of the money back to her village to help build homes for impoverished people living there. Oh, yeah. An important point here. She's going to do the vertical Mamba with the guy (known only as Natsu) as part of a documentary being produced by an Australian.
   Apparently, she'll be "delivered" to Natsu on board an aircraft flying between Australia and the U.S so as not to run into those nasty prostitution laws. And, no. The act will not be filmed, although she will be before and after the event.
   "Natsu" will have to undergo STD testing and wear a condom. And toys are forbidden. But other that that, he's free to "have at her".
   But what about Cat? Will they "test" her to make sure she's actually a virgin? Or will "Natsu" have to wait for that one push before breaking on through to the other side?
   And does this make her a prostitute? By the letter of the law, yes because she's getting paid to get laid. Even if her motive is to help others.
   And then there's the website this all took part through. Is that called pimping? Not unless the owners get some of her cash. And while she's not (at least to me) the best looking woman I've seen, I just wish I had $785 thousand! Just kidding, dear! Just kidding.
   'Nuff said.

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