Friday, October 5, 2012

Another Win For "People"

   At last count on our Trains vs People scorecard, "Trains" had built up a substantial 7-3 lead in deaths versus survivors. Today I'm happy to report "People" have pulled out another win to make it 7-4.
   This time, our lucky survivor dodged a double whammy of death. The 51 year old Kamloops, B.C man, drunk at the time, was apparently clipped by the CP freight while riding a bike. He got off quite lucky from that accident, with a head wound and serious burns. Not from the train, but a fire he was riding the alleged stolen bike from. A fire the cops say he set when he fell asleep smoking in a grassy area. A fire that woke him up as it seared through his clothing.
   Our hero may wish the train had won, 'cause he could face charges for the stolen bike, and the suspicious fire he fled the scene of. Oh, yeah. It seems buddy's also a suspect in the beating of a local bus driver.
   But getting back to the main point of this, our guy was DRUNK when he escaped death. And (if memory serves) so were most, if not all, the other survivors.
   So, I guess the moral of the story is: If you're gonna get hit by a train, make sure you're pissed outta your brain! You have a better chance of surviving.
   'Nuff said.

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