Monday, October 8, 2012

Where's The Beef?

   In the case of XL Foods in Brooks, Alberta, it's more a case of where's the beef inspectors. As you probably already know, that plant is at the centre of one of the largest food recalls in Canadian history. At last count, more than 17 hundred products had been recalled in Canada from B.C to the east coast. And in at least 30 U.S States.
   In fact, U.S officials say more than 1.1 million kilos of beef that may have been contaminated by E-Coli at the plant made it's way to the States. In English, that's a staggering 2.5 million pounds, or 11 hundred TONS of beef. And apparently, the U.S knew about it before an alert went out in Canada.
   What was the cause? Apparently, contaminated cow shit got on some meat, which made it's way through the whole line.
   And now, the blame game is being played out. Some blame the workers at the plant. Some blame the food inspectors. And, naturally, opposition parties are blaming the government for this international cluster fuck. Some have gone as far as calling for the Agriculture minister to resign. Which is likely not going to happen.
   Who do I blame? I guess a little from each column in more or less equal parts. Who comes out of this hurting? Obviously, the producer who can't sell to the XL plant, due to a temporary suspension of their licence. The consumer as well, because no one is sure if that steak or hamburger meat they got is contaminated. Even though they're urged to ask their local store if it came from that plant. XL Foods will also be tarnished by this fiasco, to the detriment of 22 hundred people who just want to make a pay cheque. Canada will have a nice black eye from this as well, and will have one hell of a time rebuilding the image of our food products as being safe.
   The food inspectors will also take a lot of heat, because they are the ones who are supposed to police the industry. And the government will as well, since they are being blamed for cut backs to the food inspection agency.
   And I'm suffering as well, because I HATE well done steaks. I like mine rare. Black and blue to be exact. Seared on the outside, red on the inside.
   Sucks to be me.
   'Nuff said.

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