Saturday, October 13, 2012

Celebretards 2

   Boy, it's been a while since my last post. I didn't realize so much time had gone by, but there really hasn't been a whole lot happening. So, I'm going to rip a few "celebrities" again.
   And lets starts with........Lindsay Lohan! Seems she and mom Dina got into it recently, to the point LiLo called her daddy, Michael, during the so called spat. And, like the good father that he is, Mikey recorded it, and started shopping it around. Class.
   Anyway Lindsay said Mommy Dearest was high on cocaine or something, and eventually the cops were called. And they were decidedly NOT amused by the whole thing.
   And it seems Mommy Dearest and LiLo have patched things up.
   The Lohans. Putting the "fun" in dys"fun"ctional.
   Moving on. Seems a couple of so called "superstars" added proof to the old adage that "The Show Must Go On". I'm talking about Jutin Barf-up.....sorry, Bieber.....and Lady Gag-reflex.....sorry, GaGa.
   TMZ had footage of them doing a part of their act that was definitely not part of the script, or part of their lip-synch tape either. Both hurled, spewed, chucked, puked, vomited....whatever you wanna call it.....during recent performances. But (after purging a few more times) kept the show going.
   Makes me wonder. Were they listening to their own music, or each others, to bring on the barf attack. So, they both blew chunks. Strange really, that they'd both have a dog with the same name. Chunks.
   'Nuff said.

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