Wednesday, October 17, 2012


   A very disturbing case in my home country involving child porn. The RCMP along with several municipal forces have busted 21 people and seized more than 100 computers, 1 thousand discs and thousands of images. 16 of the people arrested have been charged.
   "Operation Snapshot" was in the 3 prairie provinces, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, along with 2 territories, and started in June. In total 14 police forces in 15 communities were involved. The most disturbing part of this is the ages of the kids. Most were under 12, and it included toddlers and infants.
   Before I go off on a rant about this, there was one more or less happy outcome where a boy, who was 14 at the time of his abuse, was rescued in Saskatchewan. Rescued maybe from the awful people who harmed him, but far from rescued from the debilitating emotional scars this will leave. The cretin who abused him has already pleaded guilty, and sentenced to 30 months.
   And now, the rant: 30 months for abusing a child and (allegedly) being part of a child porn ring? You have got to be kidding! This piece of filth should have been given 30 YEARS with no parole. Period! And hopefully (but not likely) this will stir our lazy politicians in Ottawa to bring in the harshest measures yet for people who make and/or distribute this garbage.
   I'm thinking the 30 years as a minimum. But what I'm really thinking is it's time for our spineless M.P's to bring back the death penalty for "people" who do this to children. I know, innocent until proven guilty.....due process and all that. But it also seems sometimes that the people who get fair treatment are the accused. The victims get victimized again during the legal process, which can and does sometimes take years.
   One solution I keep hearing about is chemical sterilization. Several studies have proven it does not work. My solution would be to mechanically de-bone the guilty parties. Hell, I have a dull, rusty spoon they could use.
   Even better, put these walking scumbags in the general prison population, turn off the security cameras for 15 minutes and let the other cons mete out some jailhouse justice. Which won't happen, meaning taxpayers will foot the bill for segregated cells so these bastards can be kept safe from harm. Which is bullshit.
   And to the law enforcement teams who took part, a big salute and keep up the good work.
   'Nuff said

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