Monday, February 13, 2012

Another Passing

   True to form, I did not watch the Grammys last night. I simply have no desire whatsoever to tune in for 3 1/2 or 4 hours listening to the mindless drivel that comes out of the mouths of the winners. No do I care what Lady Kaka is wearing or arrived in. Last year, it was a giant egg. I don't know what it was this year.
   Nor do I care for what passes as "music" these days, as you can see from the post below. And while I was certainly not a fan or hers, or even cared for her music, I was a little shocked to hear about the death of Whitney Houston Saturday night. She apparently drowned in the bathtub of her L.A hotel. And in this case, I'm actually going to be fair. I think we need to let the coroner and police do a thorough investigation before pointing the finger at drugs.
   True, she had a troubled past and was a not infrequent user of narcotics. But if reports from L.A are true, there were no illicit drugs found in her room. They did find several prescription drugs, and she had been seen drinking the night before. But again to be fair to her, lets let the proper authorities do their job and render a verdict.
   And while, as I said, I'm not a fan of her or her music, one can't deny she had a very big impact on the music industry, and a lot of young singers.
   So, R.I.P Whitney!
   'Nuff said.

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