Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Darwin

   A couple of posts ago, I told you the story of 2 teens in the running for a Darwin Award after either listening to music on their headphones and/or texting when they walked in front of trains.
   Add another candidate.
   You've no doubt heard of the craze called "planking" and the equally ridiculous "owling". Well, you can now add couch (or sofa) surfing to that mix.
   Seems some idiot in Quebec was killed while being pulled on a couch when it, not surprisingly, drifted into oncoming traffic. With the predictable result. The 22 year old was DOA. 2 friends on a sled ATTACHED TO THE COUCH were not injured. One of these "friends" called it "bad luck", adding it's a game they played before.
   Bad luck?!? Bullshit! It wasn't luck, just a matter of time before the predictable happened and some idiot got killed. Apparently, the driver of the vehicle pulling the couch fled the scene, meaning that person's now facing a whole raft of charges.
   Ironically, the guy's 'friends' say they tried to "play safe" checking for oncoming traffic, with one saying he thought accident's only happen to other people.
   Life lesson learned, eh numbnut?
   'Nuff said.

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