Thursday, February 16, 2012

You Really ARE What You Eat

   It happened in Vegas, but it didn't stay in Vegas. The web is buzzing about a story almost to strange and bizarre to be real. But it's real nonetheless. There's a burger joint in downtown Vegas called the Heart Attack Grill. And in a weird case of life imitating art, a guy actually had a heart attack. No shit! And it was while he eating a "Triple Bypass Burger" no less! The menu boasts it's "A taste worth dying for".
   The local Fox station says it's the first documented case of someone actually having a heart attack at the Heart Attack Grill. Staff at said eatery are given fake medical titles, such as "Nurse". And the guy that owns the place goes by "Doctor".
   Just how far does this place go? Well, according to the report I saw, they proudly state anyone over 350 pounds eats free. Hell, there's even a warning sign saying the offered dining fare is a health risk.
   And if you were wondering, the triple by-pass burger is 6000 calories. That's 6 THOUSAND calories. It's got 3 patties totalling 1 and a half POUNDS of beef, a dozen bacon slices, who knows how many slices of processed cheese, a huge bun plus onions, tomato and pickles.
   By a happy coincidence, the guy who wolfed down this monstrosity will survive, but I guess it shows there's truth in the old adage "You are what you eat".
   'Nuff said.

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