Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Number 3

   I really wasn't going to do this, but my hand has been forced. I'm now officially keeping score of the number of idiots who self-select themselves out of the gene pool (otherwise known as a Darwin Award) by getting hit by a train.
   My scorecard so far shows Trains-3, People-0.
   The latest case comes from Banff, Alberta where a 27 year old Chilean man got smacked by a freight. Apparently, he was wearing headphones and a toque and never heard the locomotive. Even when the horn was used to try and attract his attention. Needless to say, without success.
   It wasn't even 10 days ago a 19 year old in Alberta was killed because he never heard the train that got him due to the fact HE was wearing headphones. And the same week, a guy in Quebec got greased while listening to music AND texting.
   Now, I can understand why our most recent Darwin nominee would need a toque in Banff in February. But just how fucking loud was the music they were listening to anyway? It must have been pretty loud for 3 people not to be alerted when the engineer blew the train's horn. I mean, if you can't hear THAT over your music, you need to turn it down. Seriously.
   Not that it's going to matter much to these 3.
   Makes me wonder if the music played at their funerals will include Train Kept A-Rollin'.
   'Nuff said.

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