Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's A Total Mess!

   Those words were used to describe the situation in the vatican these days. And not by yours truly, and not by a member of the media either. Those words come from inside the cloistered halls of power in Rome. In other words, a vatican "official" Of course, the "official" who uttered those words must remain anonymous, but he spoke after scandal after scandal after scandal has rocked the church. And now there are rumours of a power struggle. And all this on the eve of the pope naming 22 new cardinals. You know, the guys who will elect a new pope once Benny kicks the bucket? Hell, there was a report out not long ago about a possible assassination plot against Benny! And it probably wouldn't be the first time a pope had been knocked off either. Remember JP 1? He was pope for 34 days before mysteriously dying, and the rumour mill had it he was "removed" because he was going too far too fast with reforms. I don't know if that's bullshit or not. I mean, these guys are men of "god", so they wouldn't off one of their own. Would they? And lets not forget recent revelations about supposed money laundering and corruption in the church. More of a case of being human than righteous.
   Anyway, 18 of the new cardinals will be in a position to elect the next pope, and after experimenting with a Polish and now German pope, there's rumblings afoot the next one will be..get ready for it..Italian! What a surprise!
   Another bishop goes on to say Benny is increasingly isolated, lives in his own world and information passed to him is "filtered" by his right hand man. Out of touch? No shit! But all is not lost! There's still time for old Ben to wrest control back, root out the evil-doers (even if that means most of the priesthood, several bishops, an archbishop or 2 and maybe even a cardinal) and clean up the administration of what's become a rapidly crumbling empire..and an empire it is..not to mention the rank and file itself.
   Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot who I was talking about there. I've said before, and I'll say again that NOTHING will change in the 'church' until a pope who has the scope to make radical changes is elected. And allowed to carry them out.
   But I don't think that's all to likely, do you?
   'Nuff said.

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