Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hey! Watch Out For That.....Uhh, Never Mind

   I wonder when the nomination period for a Darwin Award is, because there are a couple of guys who, if they don't win, will surely get honorable mentions.
   As you probably know, a Darwin Award is for anyone who self selects themselves out of the gene pool, usually through some stupid action which results in their demise.
   Both our nominees self selected while texting and/or listening to music in their headphones at the same time. And it wasn't behind the wheel of a vehicle when they met their untimely and messy ends. In fact, they were using the oldest form of human transportation..walking. We'll start with idiot number 2. A 16 year old was killed when he was texting and listening to music on his ear buds when he walked onto a level railway crossing. He didn't hear the bells. He didn't see the flashing lights. He didn't even hear the engineer blow the whistle. I guess he didn't hear or see the freight train that smacked him. It's important to note the engineer did blow the horn trying to get the teen's attention. It's important, because the area in Oshawa, Ontario where this happened has a no-horn bylaw for train crews.
   The rail companies have pedestrian safety guidelines (which this guy apparently didn't read) which advise children to remove headphones when near a track. Like that's going to happen.
   And it gets better, because less than 24 hours earlier, the same thing happened to a teen in Leduc, Alberta. Apparently, this Darwin nominee was listening to music and did not hear the whistle, the roar of the engine or the squeal of the brakes before he got tagged from behind by another freight.
   Makes you wonder if Darwin number 2 was texting a buddy about Darwin number 1! I can just imagine it: "Dude, u hear abt the dude killed in Alta? Cops say he had headphones on and got greased by a tr...".
   O-kay, maybe that wasn't funny. Oh, fuck it, it was! Happy Darwin you two!
   'Nuff said.

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