Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This Is Going To Costa

   It seems the Italian based cruise ship line Costa has been struck with more bad luck. You've no doubt heard the story already, about the fire in the engine room of the Costa Allegra that left the ship basically crippled in pirate infested water off the coast of Africa.
   Seems the ship is under tow, and should reach a safe haven in the Seychelles Islands in the next few days.
   At least this time, the vessel was out at sea, and the captain couldn't abandon ship. Unlike his counterpart on the Costa Concordia which still lies on her side off the Italian coast. O-kay, that may have been a little unfair.
   Anyway, there are helicopters dropping supplies and batteries for flashlights down to the deck of the ship which is without power. No lights, no air conditioning. Nothing. Admittedly, ships do encounter all sorts of problems, and an engine room fire is an uncommon, but not unheard of incident.
   But the question I have is two-fold. First: Why would ANY ship other than a heavily armed naval vessel be sailing in waters so close to the Horn of Africa..and Somalia, that base for pirates? And second: Why would anyone willingly put themselves in a position such as that which could compromise their safety?
   If I was on that disabled ship and saw helicopters overhead, I'd be looking for a way to hitch a ride and get the fuck out of there. Pronto!
   But, maybe my spirit of adventure has diminished over the years.
   'Nuff said.

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