Monday, February 6, 2012


   That's what the game yesterday was SUPPOSED to be about. The Vince Lombardi trophy, signalling supremacy in the NFL. But there was a not so super moment at the Superbowl that now has officials at both the NFL and NBC scrambling. It had to do with a finger. Just one finger. One finger in particular that a hip-hop so-called 'star' decided to share during the halftime show. Yup! THAT finger. The fuck finger. And the woman who waved it at the camera goes by the name M.I.A.
   Now, in military parlance, M.I.A means Missing In Action, and I'm sure censors wished she had been. Not only did she give the single digit salute at the end of a song she was a 'guest' singer with Madonna on, but was also partially heard to say 'I don't give a shit". This so-called 'star' isn't an American either. She's British. And 36 years old.
   So you'd think she'd know better. I guess she was just trying to show that someone from across The Pond can be a Gansta Beyatch as well. I don't know about the gangster part, but she proved she's a bitch.
   It's the most 'shocking' half time gaffe since Nipple-Gate back in 2004. That's when Janet Jackson had part of her top ripped off showing her tit. She said it was "accidental". I call bullshit on that. Anyone who wears a sunburst nipple shield under their costume knows it's gonna make an appearance.
   But I digress. Maybe it's time the NFL re-think trying to attract a younger audience with what passes for music these days. Unless they have a 2 or 3 minute delay to cut out the offending part of the show, should something untoward happen again. And it will.
   And to M.I.A, I show you MY fuck finger and say "I don't give a shit" about you. Now piss off back to Britain and fade into obscurity. Quickly.
   And oh yeah. The Giants beat the Patriots 21-17, which I thought was the whole point of the Superbowl.
   'Nuff said.

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