Friday, November 15, 2013

It's "Dumb Fuck" Friday

   And we'll start with Canada's 'crack' mayor, or should that be Canada's mayor on 'crack', Toronto's Rob Ford. This has gone global, and what a nice endorsement for my country's largest city. Ford has admitted smoking crack while in a "drunken stupor". He also admitted buying illicit drugs since his election. He also admitted to driving while drunk.
   And if that ain't bad enough, Ford (allegedly) had hookers in his office. Council has voted to strip him of a few executive powers, and meet again Monday to decide whether or not to transfer power to the deputy mayor. Fatso Ford has launched a lawsuit over the actions. I hope he has a team of crack lawyers working on it for him.
   Moving on to my favorite little douchebag:
   Yep! This pubic louse is back in the news again, and again for all the wrong reasons. The little pus filled bubo has caused quite a stir on his South American tour. Not only did Justin Bieber paint a racially tinged piece of Brazil (a black monkey), but he also defamed the Argentinian flag, using it as a mop with his feet and a mic stand. Way to go Beebs!
   When is this little cunt going to grow up? Hopefully never, because it gives haters like me (and a whole lot of others) a great target. But I also sincerely hope this filthy piece of distended rectum has a fatal OD soon.
   'Nuff said

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