Friday, November 29, 2013

It's Black (Eye) Friday

   It is, in fact, the day retailers make a good chunk of their budget on. It's also a day shoppers (mostly American, but quite a few Canadian) head to the stores in droves, bargain hunting as the Christmas shopping season starts.
   Unfortunately, it also brings out the worst in a lot of people. There were reports of fights breaking out between customers all wanting that "must have" item. Clerks at several stores got injured in the melee. Shit, even cops were getting roughed up!
   Walmart seems to be the fan favourite for poor behaviour, with a fight between 3 patrons at one store, a customer pepper spraying other shoppers and staff at another. And one stabbing as well! And for what? Well, in one case a fight broke out over a TV. A fucking television! So far, there's no report of gunfire, but it does point out the fact there are only 26 shooting days 'til Christmas.
   Did I take part in the madness and mayhem? Fuck no! I'll wait 'til next week when things calm don before I venture into any store.
   'Nuff said.

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