Saturday, November 16, 2013

Make It Stop! Please, Somebody Just Make It Stop!!

   Tis the season. Christmas season. And that means stores have started playing Christmas music. All fucking day. With no break. And I fucking HATE Christmas music. It's bad enough in the 2 weeks before the "big day", but to have it start half way through November?!? Really??
   And is it really necessary for food stores to play that shit for the next 6 weeks? It's not like I can stock up on supplies for the next 6 weeks. Department stores, fine. I can avoid them. But I need my local grocery store. Seriously, it's almost enough to me me go postal!
   So please retailers, knock the Christmas music the fuck off until December 15th or so. I'm not the only one who hates that shit. Hell, the poor people who work in those stores are subjected to it for up to 8 hours a day.
   So I say "Let There Be Peace On Earth", cut the crap music out, and give my eardrums a freaking break!
   'Nuff said

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