Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why The Hell Not

(photo courtesy Zucker Bakery)
   A bakery in New York is combining American Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, along with donuts, turkey and cranberry sauce. All into one. Just when you think Krispy Kreme went too far with the Sloppy Joe donut, comes the "Thanksgivukkah" donut.
   In fact, there are several different versions of the "Thanksgivukkah" donut, including one with a spiced pumpkin donut, turkey and turkey gravy, or the one with turkey and cranberry sauce. No? How about a sweet potato donut with toasted marshmallow cream. No? Well then how about a good old fashioned jelly donut. With cranberry sauce instead of jelly.
   The owners of the bakery say they stuff the donut with the ingredients before deep-frying them, so no donut holes. And if you were wondering why "Thanksgivukkah", it's because Thanksgiving and the first night of Hanukkah are on the same day. Something that won't happen again for some 77 thousand, 8 hundred years.
   Which is about how long I'm willing to wait to try the "Thanksgivukkah" donut.
   'Nuff said.

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