Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Dumb Fuck" Update

   So, last week I titled a post "Dumb Fuck Friday", and documented the going's on of Toronto's crack mayor (or mayor on crack) Rob Ford, and that little douche Justin Beiber.
   Well, we have updates! It seems Mr. Ford has more unseemly allegations being leveled at him, including inferences to domestic abuse and a suggestion he was once stopped from speaking to the prime minister because he was too intoxicated.
   As for the other shart, Bieber, it seems he's having trouble with neighbors. No, sorry. His neighbors are having trouble with him. Back from his "tour" of South America, where he seemed to piss off quite a few people, he's back at his home in the States. Much to the chagrin of the people living near him. Seems the cops were called 3 separate times about noise coming from this little asshole's house. It's just a fucking shame he's not blitzed on bath salts and charges officers while armed with a knife or something. Ka-BLAM!
   'Nuff said.

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