Sunday, November 10, 2013

This Is About As Low As You Can Go

   Tomorrow is Remembrance Day in Canada, when we honor our veterans from all conflicts, and pay special tribute to the thousands of service people who gave the ultimate, and laid down their lives in service of our country.
   It's no secret that I wholly support our vets, and proudly take part in Remembrance Day services. So this came as the ultimate insult.
   Some sick fuck in Richmond, B.C broke into the Legion #291 Branch, and stole 10 ceremonial  flags, some of which are irreplaceable. Included was the Union Jack, along with Ladies Auxiliary standards, and the banner bearing the Legion Branch insignia. Apparently they, and the poles were stored in 2 ski-bags, and a Legion spokesman believes the assholes responsible thought they were skis.
  The 2 most valuable are the ones with the Branch insignia, and a Legion spokesman was simply for their return. No questions asked.
   I could go off on a long, very profane rant against the scum who did this, but I won't. However, if they're found they should either be jailed for a very long time, and if they're immigrants, kicked out of the country.
   It's really sad the "justice" system in this country won't allow my favorite 2 punishments. One: Put them in uniform and make them serve in a very dangerous part of the world, or Two: Put them in front of a military firing squad.
   'Nuff said.

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