Saturday, November 2, 2013

Maybe My Folks Were Right After All

   When I was growing up, I go t a lot of the old "sit up straight" or "stand up straight" shouts in my direction when I tried to get comfortable by slouching in my chair or on the couch or even when standing. Sometimes, although not that often, it would be followed up by a sharp smack on the back of the head. Usually followed by the line "if you keep slouching like that, you'll end up with a bad back". Who knew my folks were right.
   Seems a couple of doctors in Holland are finding kids as young as 18 with back problems similar to people much, much older. And they've even come up with a name for it "Gameboy back". They say it's caused by kids hunching over their Gameboy, tablet, phone or other devices for hours at a time. Which in turn curves the spine into a "C", putting kids at risk of muscle problems, headaches and even herniated discs.
   While far from calling for a ban on the devices, the doctors say parents can do their part by teaching better posture. They also say a simple test can tell them if their kid needs to go to a doctor by having them touch their toes. At least when weight's not an issue. It may mean the kids spine has started to curve.
   So, Sit Up Straight and/or Stand Up Straight. Sorry, but I can't administer a quick slap to the back of the head. Just as well, though.
   'Nuff said.

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