Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's Grey Cup Weekend

   So, it's Grey Cup weekend. Anyone else not care? And this year it's being held in Regina, the city who's name rhymes with "fun". Not that a lot of fans or players have been having much fun so far this week, with bitterly cold temperatures and high wind chill values.
   Several members of the Hamilton Tiger Cats got frostbite during practice this week. The Saskatchewan Roughriders have been working out indoors to avoid just that. There's no dome over the stadium there, and it seems City Fathers have decided the new stadium will also be topless. Which means cold football. It also means for 4 or 5 months of the year, having no roof or dome or cover will just leave the new stadium as a snow dump.
   How fucking stupid is that? Here they have an opportunity for a first class facility which could host things like RV and home improvement shows, not to mention major concerts, during the off-season in the CFL. But no. It's "too expensive". So, instead fans will be subject to more cold weather games. Unless the league decides to start the season a month earlier, which ain't likely.
   They have a golden opportunity to build a world class stadium, and instead they're opting for the cheaper option. As for who I'm cheering for Sunday.....I don't care.
   'Nuff said.

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