Saturday, October 26, 2013

Say It Ain't So!

   For McDonalds. there are other kinds. After 40 years or partnership, Rotten Ronnies is looking for a replacement for Heinz Ketchup. But why? Why is McD's giving one of the world's most popular condiments the heave-ho?.
   It's not over cost, and there's been no production and/or distribution snafu. It's to do with the new CEO at Heinz. What.....did the guy used to be CEO of Burger King or something? Actually.....yeah. He was. But it likely won't even be noticed in North America. McD's only has 2 areas serving Heinz. Pittsburgh and Minneapolis. The rest have stuff labelled "fancy ketchup".
   Heinz loss will, of course, mean a big gain for whoever is chosen as a replacement (most likely Hunts). Rotten Ronnies has 34 thousand places across the globe, and it's the overseas market that could be impacted most.
   Since I think the food (if you can call it that) at McD's shouldn't even be served to animals, let alone humans without a generous slathering of Heinz to either kill or mask the taste, my personal boycott of the Golden Arches will continue.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, October 25, 2013

This Will Not Come As A Surprise

   Michael Sean Stanley has been arrested in Seattle. And for (allegedly) trying to sexually assault a 16 year old boy. It seems the pervert who fled Canada at the start of this month bought some booze, took the youth into an alley, plied him with liquor and tried (allegedly) to assault him. The young man had a knife, and managed to escape. It's just a fucking shame he didn't stick the shiv in him
   It was just last week was asking the question why he is still free? I guess I have my answer. He isn't any more. Unless he was released. It was also last week I blogged about Stanley speaking to the media down there, saying he left Canada because "it hasn't been good to me. All they've been doing is belittle me, shafting me, making me look like I'm some kind of menace, some creep, some pedophile, some kind of guy that didn't deserve to be out in the community."
   I guess Canadian authorities and Canada was right, huh? He also claimed he fled to the States to "start over". I guess he (allegedly) tried to start over with the 16 year old boy. I just hope this shit stain, this filthy piece of distended rectum gets some good old fashioned American Justice when, sorry, if, he's found guilty.
   A leopard can't change his spots, and a pedo is still a pedo.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Sunday Jumble

   There hasn't been a single item to pique my interest today, so I'm just going to throw some random shit together.
   And what better place to start than Regina, Saskatchewan (the city who's name rhymes with "fun"). It seems 2 Nigerian students who had been holed up in several churches seeking "sanctuary" for the past year have finally left the country. Voluntarily, it should be said, even though the Feds ordered them deported in 2012. Were they terrorists? No. Were they in the country illegally? No. In fact they were students at the university. Why kick them out? Because they both worked for 2 weeks at a local Walmart. Which was not allowed under he terms of their student visas. Which they should have read more closely before taking jobs. Should Walmart have asked if working contravened their visa? No, I don't think whoever did the hiring should have. They were responsible for their actions. And as far as claiming "sanctuary" should be outlawed for anyone not facing imminent death on deportation.

   Moving on: It's been over 100 years since the Titanic sank, killing hundreds and hundreds of people. But still, the fascination with the ship any anything connected to it continues. And so it was this weekend when the violin owned by Wallace Hartley sold for 1.5 million dollars. Hartley was the band leader on the ill-fated ship. He, and all the other musicians drowned in the tragedy. His body was found, with the violin, still in it's case, strapped to his body. It can never be played, and hopefully the buyer will give it a good home.

   Moving on: Italian automaker Lamborghini has built 9 new cars. To go along with the original 4 they produced. It's called the Veneno,
  And if you can get one of the roadsters, it'll set you back 5.3 million. I just hope Nicki Minaj is barred from buying one after the paint job she gave an Aventador (see my blog "You A Stupid Hoe" of Oct 18).
   Hopefully when I get back from my work location next weekend, I'll have something more substantive. Have a great week!
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Has The Balance Been Tipped?

 The Pale Blue Dot. Home to several species of life, and so far, the only planet known to harbour life. But I fear one species has tipped the balance, and is now threatening not only their own existence, but just about every other species on Earth as well. I'm talking about us. Homo Sapiens. Humans.
   In the thousands and thousands of years since we evolved, it took our species until 1804 to reach the one billion mark in population. It's only taken the past 200 years to reach 7 billion, and the result is frightening, to say the least.
   Oceans are being overfished and polluted to the point where there are serious questions being raised about them being able to continue to harbour life. Maybe not in my lifetime, but if things go unchecked, it could be as little at 2 or 3 hundred years.
   The land is being over farmed as well, and is now (in many parts of the world) producing less crop. It's to the point where rainforests, which supply a vast amount of the oxygen we need to survive are being cut down and burned off at a rate that threatens their viability as well.
   Who can we blame? Ourselves as a whole, not individually. As the dominant species on this planet, we have pushed others to extinction, and still do at an alarming rate, in OUR need to survive. It may not be that far off when counties start warring with each other over arable land, drinkable water and resources.
   So, what's to be done? A "cull" of humanity? A global thermonuclear war? Withholding food to other countries? No to all of those. Part of being human is being humane, and that's the problem. We try to help each other, which in itself is laudable, but we don't seem to count the cost.
   Trying to have populous countries maintain a zero population growth agenda dosen't work. I've stated we can't have a nuclear holocaust, and we sure as shit can't start hunting each other. So, what does that leave? Mother nature. I'm not trying to sound tactless, but I feel what "Humanity" needs to do is let nature take her course. Stop trying to figure out a cure to diseases. They crop up every now and then for a reason. To keep the human population in check. I'm not saying we should re-introduce smallpox, or hit other nations with a new virus just because we can. I'm simply suggesting that nature should be left alone to care for herself.
   If that sounds callous, it's not meant to be. But if we continue being humane and trying to cure everything that comes our way, we may well doom humanity instead.
   'Nuff said.

Why Is This Man Still Free..UPDATE

(Photo from RCMP)

   Last week, I asked the question why convicted, violent, high risk sex offender Michael Sean Stanley is free. This week, I found out he's still going to be free, in Seattle, Washington. And unless he commits an offence in the States, he's likely going to remain free. Because Canadian authorities aren't seeking extradition. Even after he cut off his electronic monitoring bracelet, and threw it away. Which should have violated his parole conditions and. given his history, meant extradition should be pursued.
   And it seems he's now talking to U.S media, saying he wants to start over. In an interview with a Seattle TV station, he's quoted as saying  "I had enough. I'm leaving this country because it hasn't been good to me. All they've been doing is belittle me, shafting me, making me look like I'm some kind of menace, some creep, some pedophile, some kind of guy that didn't deserve to be out in the community." I wonder if that's got anything to do with sexually assaulting mentally challenged boys and an elderly woman? Those are among the crimes he's been CONVICTED of.
   He also denied doing the crimes, and  did as ordered, and registered as an offender in that state, adding he does not intend to commit any crime. As for him turning over a "new leaf", parole officials say he did NOT take part in any programs designed to reduce his risk to reoffend, and has never admitted responsibility.
   I just hope for the sake of the kids in the city of Seattle this guy actually means it. But since most (not all, but most) such offenders re-offend, I wouldn't be surprised if he's arrested there in the next few months to a year.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Your A Stupid Hoe (Stupid, Stupid)

   Yep! Nicki Minaj, the woman who brought you the uplifting song "Stupid Hoe" (see my blog of February 9, 2012), and who was a judge on American Idol has struck again. And this time, she's pissed off auto purists.
   Nicki bought herself a new ride. And not just any ride either. She laid out 400 thousand dollars for a Lamborghini Aventador.
 The latest creation from the Italian supercar maker. It's not the fact she bought one that's got people in a tizzy. It's what she did to it that has motoring enthusiasts enraged.
   Fine, I understand she's got mega-millions, and if she wants to spend a good chunk of change on a Lambo, so be it.
   What exactly did she do to the car anyway? It wasn't a new super boom-box stereo, and she didn't get it off the lot only to trash it, although that might have been preferable.
   Nope! She did THIS to it:
   Yep! She painted it fucking hot pink!   So, to quote her own song, "You a stupid hoe, you a, you a stupid hoe (stupid, stupid)
You a stupid hoe, you a, you a stupid hoe (stupid, stupid)
You a stupid hoe, you a, you a stupid hoe (stupid, stupid).....
   'Nuff said

Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada

   It is Thanksgiving Monday, a time when families get together for the communal meal. Turkey, done to perfection, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing etc, etc, etc.
   Quite a few of us will simply eat way too much, and end up on the couch, top button on the pants undone, moaning and groaning because quite simply, we turn into gluttons at this time of year.
   Then. there's the leftover turkey from that 25 to 40 pound bird. Hot turkey and gravy tomorrow. Turkey sandwiches all week. Turkey a la King, and if there's anything left, turkey soup. Probably enough to keep a lot of households going until Christmas.
   And let's not forget desert! A Thanksgiving Dinner's not complete without desert. Apple pie, apple crumble, apple cobbler and, of course, the perennial favorite, pumpkin pie.
   But just keep in mind when you're sticking your fork into it that this is how pumpkin pies are made:
   Happy Thanksgiving anyway!
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Life's A Bitch

   That's what one Saskatoon, Saskatchewan man found out the hard way recently. Seems our 20 year old idiot was hurt by a pipe-bomb. I guess I should point out now that he was building it in his basement when it went off.
   Why was he building a pipe-bomb? Cops in the so-called Bridge City haven't said yet, but our hero ended up with hand injuries. Oh, yeah. The brainiac had a buddy with him when the thing went ka-BOOM. He was less seriously hurt.

   In other explosive news: It seems a man in New York was also seriously hurt in a blast when his toilet exploded. Well, not an actual ka-BOOM, like the guy above, but enough to leave him with serious injuries as well. Seems there was some maintenance going, and water had to be turned off. When he hit the switch, he was launched backwards by a sudden inrush of water, and knocked out, also suffering cuts from shrapnel from the shattered bowl.
   It seems the guy's so gun-shy of his own shitter, he's tied a rope to the flusher, and trips it from behind a door!
   He's suing.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Why Is This Man Still Free?

   The man in question is 48 year old Michael Sean Stanley, a high risk, violent sex offender who cut off his electronic monitoring bracelet in Lloydminster, Alberta back on October 1st. There were several reported, but unconfirmed, sightings of this guy in Saskatchewan, and his vehicle was later found in Lethbridge Alberta.
   It seems he made his way back to Edmonton, where he'd been living, then buggered off to B.C, where he crossed the border to the U.S. American authorities know where he is, but have yet (at the time of this writing) to arrest him, even though he's got a criminal record there.
   And now, the rant:
   A big "thank you" to Canada's Criminal Justice system for releasing this shit stain in the first place. Apparently, it was a mandatory release because "he'd done his time". In this case, a stunning 32 whole months for assault and forcible confinement. But his history goes back to 1987, and includes taking kids from playgrounds and sexually assaulting them. With that history, you'd think he be the last candidate for release. Mandatory or other.
   This is the kind of person who should never see the light of day, and who probably should have been put to death. Instead, he gets mandatory release. I just wonder how many months he'll get after this. Hopefully a lot more than 32.
   And where were the American authorities? How did this sick fuck get across the border with Washington State to begin with? U.S police have been notified about him, but so far no advisory or alert has been given to the public.
   I just hope when he's caught, and he will be, that he gets a very long stretch in a maximum security prison. And is put in with the general prison population. Maybe then he'll get the justice he deserves.
   'Nuff said.

To Quote Monty Python: "I'm Not Quite Dead Yet"

   So says a 61 year old Ohio man. Donald Miller Jr. is trying to have the court declare him un-dead, so to speak. And not as a vampire or zombie. Mr. Miller was declared legally dead several years ago after he vanished in 1986.
   Seems he was a recovering alcoholic who fucked off, leaving a wife, kids and 25 grand in unpaid child payments behind him. The State declared him legally dead in 1994, and started paying his benefits, while Miller was living in Florida. He moved to Georgia, before returning to Ohio, and trying to get back into the land of the living.
   Miller walked into court Monday, asking to be declared "living", but the judge told him he'd missed the 3 year deadline to have a death ruling overturned. How he managed to "live" several years after being declared "dead" wasn't mentioned.
   For now, he'll have to stay in the afterlife.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Another Strange Ale Tale

   I've blogged about beer in the past. In fact, it was just last fall I blogged about the worlds strongest beer (see: "Now That's A Beer" October 18, 2012). Well, just in time for Oktoberfest 2013 comes the latest creation from the States.
   It's called "Celeste-jewel-ale", and it contains moon dust. Yup! Moon dirt. It seems the company brewing the beer, Dogfish Head, got some lunar meteorites, crushed them up and added them to an ale. Apparently, they wrote to a company that makes spacesuits, and they in turn provided the rocks. And enough material for 10 koozies.
   If you're hankering for one, you'd better book a flight to Delaware. And quick, because when the keg runs dry, that's it.
   Would I try it? Hell yeah! I've drunk some fucked up beers in the past, including one with an entire jalapeno in a bottle which could probably strip paint. So something with a little dirt wouldn't kill me. Unless there's a moon parasite that thrives and multiplies in beer. And a human stomach. Then I'd reconsider.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, October 4, 2013

As Much Fun As Watching Paint Dry (Maybe Less)

   In Norway, the state television network will show, live, an attempt to break the world record for knitting. I ain't kidding. NRK will televise 5 hours of knitting, as they try and beat the old mark of 4 hours 50 minutes set by Australia. And if that's not bad enough, there's going to be a 4 hour pre-game show of sorts, with a documentary on how wool goes from a sheep's back to a sweater. Oh my fucking god!
   This isn't the first time NRK has broadcast such riveting entertainment either. They went live 5 days a week chronicling a voyage of a coastal cruise ship, Nordnorge. That was continuous coverage. I did see the one hour cut down version of that, and it looks like one hell of a great trip to take sometime. But live coverage?!?
   And if that's not enough, the public broadcaster also aired live footage of a fire dying down to embers. Hold me back! I know they have a lot of American shows on their TV (not dubbed into Norwegian either, but subtitled), but you'd think if they were trying to attract anyone who's not a die-hard knitting fan to watch, they'd showcase something else.
   I should call my local provider to see of we can get NRK for this epic. I'll DVR it, and play it when I have chronic insomnia.
   'Nuff said.