Thursday, September 6, 2012

Random Thursday Ratbag Ramblings

   There really hasn't been a lot happening lately, hence my lack of posts. So today, I'm going to smush a bunch of stuff together and see what I come up with.
   Sung Myung Moon. He was the South Korean leader of the Unification Church, otherwise known as the Moonies. Or cult, if you prefer. He kicked the bucket this past week at age 92. His "followers" (or brainwashed zombies if you prefer) are wrapping up 13 days of mourning.
   Speaking of cults, Tom Cruise is denying the Scientologists tried to hook him up with another woman after Katie Holmes left him. I wouldn't put it past them. And this church (cult) also apparently tried to turn the kids he had with Nicole Kidman against her. Not getting enough "donations"?
   On a non-religious note, seems a 46 year old guy in Alberta got into a deliberate accident recently, driving his Hummer directly into the path of another vehicle. Was it an insurance scam? No. Was it an attempt to bump someone off and have it look like an accident? No. Seems our guy did it to head off another vehicle that was making a bee-line for some kids crossing the street. It happened in Taber (which has FANTASTIC corn) as the guy was leaving a shopping centre and saw a (much) smaller car not slowing down for the kids. So, he says instinct took over, and he drove smack into the side of the car, pushing it out of the way. The 23 year old driver of that car was apparently yakking away on his cell phone at the time. A Hummer against a Pontiac? No wonder the Hummer won!
   Hopefully I'lll have something a little more substantive next time. But until then.....
   'Nuff said.

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