Friday, September 14, 2012

More Royal Nudity

   I know, I know. I don't normally put up 2 posts in one day. But after my last one, you might wanna consider this a "bonus track" of sorts.
   And yes, it does deal with a member of the Royal Family photographed in a state of undress. This time, it's NOT Harry. No. This time it's William's wife Kate!!!
   Seems some scum sucking French paparazzi got a shot or 2 of her sunbathing.....topless! It happened when the Royals were on a vacay in France, and the pics (blurry to be sure 'cause of the long telephoto lens the scum was using) made it to a French magazine.
   Buck house is decidedly NOT amused, and Will and Kate have launched a lawsuit against said French magazine for the paparazzi sniper shot. Lets not forget, these type of "people" are the ones blamed in part for the accident that killed Di back in '97 in that Paris tunnel. That, and the fact the driver was pissed.
   But I digress. In this case, I hope Will and Kate win, because it was an invasion of their privacy.
   And to Kate: You should have been briefed that the paparazzi never EVER leave you alone. Not even when you think you are free of the parasites. With apologies to any real parasites who may be viewing for denigrating them.
   So, a word to the wise Kate. If you don't want your tits splashed all over some magazine, keep your top on next time you're out sunbathing. It'll save you and everyone else a lot of trouble.
   'Nuff said.

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