Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bring On The Hate

   Why am I ASKING to "Bring On The Hate"? Simple. The NHL has been locked out, and I could not be happier. Why? Because in my mind, the game has changed. And not for the better. There are far too many teams, the season drags on to long, and the playoffs last forever. Not that I'm calling for a return to the "Original 6" of Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, Boston and New York. Nor am I suggesting the league cut back to 12. But there are simply way to many teams now (30), and it seems they only have to play .500 hockey to make the playoffs.
   There are a few teams struggling financially who should be shut down. Maybe the league should look at cutting 6 and have a 24 team league. Shorten the season down to say 72 games. And make the playoffs a goal for teams, rather than the expectation that even if you don't play at 100%, you can still make the post season.
   As for the post season, the top 2 teams in each division square off.  The conference winners square off, and the winners of that play in the final. You could put 6 teams in each division, and make the preliminary a best of 3, the conference best of 5 and the final best of 7
   And it's also become to much of a big business, where some players charge for their autograph. And now, both sides are pissing and moaning about revenue sharing. If the 2 sides were serious about doing a deal, why not split it 50/50? Wouldn't that be "fair"?
   And the players themselves. Yes, they've gotten bigger. And yes, they do have an intensive training regimen. And yes, they have modern equipment and (mostly) new arenas that can have different parts of the ice climate controlled separately from others.
   But I got to thinking. Wouldn't it be interesting to take a top team from the 1960's, say Detroit, and have them play a team from 2012, say Edmonton. They would use leather skates with steel blades (no carbon fibre). Wood sticks (again, no carbon fibre), wool uniforms (no gortex or whatever they use these days) and play in a 1960's arena (no climate control or ice micro-management) with the old boards. Who would win? I think I'd put money on Detroit
   So much for the rant. And really, you honestly didn't think I was happy with the lockout did you? I hope both sides get back to the table, so we can get on with the game.
   'Nuff said.

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