Monday, September 24, 2012

I Now Pronounce You........

   Husband and DAUGHTER?!?!?
   It's true! And it didn't happen in in of those Southern states where such marriages not only don't raise eyebrows, but are even allowed. The same states where "Squeal Like a Pig" is the motto, and wedding parties feature a full set of teeth. Shared among 16 or so participants. (Just kidding, now put the shotgun down.)
   This tale of love gone awry was in Ohio, and the bride only found out after hubby/daddy died in 1998. For some reason, she kept the secret, well, secret, at least until last month. And it seems other family members knew the secret long before, but didn't bother to tell anyone. The woman in question had 3 kids from a previous marriage. She did not have any kids in the 2nd marriage.
   How did this all come about? That's quite convoluted, but apparently, the brides mother met her father/husband when she was 15, and apparently a lady of the evening. According to my math, her dad/hubby would also have been about 15 at the time as well. The bride (who has several siblings from her mothers relationship) was turned over to her grandparents while an infant. She apparently met hubby #2 quite a while after marriage #1 ended. Confused yet? I am.
   The whole story brings up a lot of nasty things I could say. Which, for once, I won't.
   'Nuff said.

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