Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Yes, I'm Back On That Kick

   I am in fact revisiting religion, a favorite topic of mine. And today, there are 2 items I've been hearing and reading about. One is an article that says science is close to ruling out god. Huh! I thought it already had.
   Anyway, this goes on to say that with every development in science, (a rational) man's reliance on god is being chipped away. It goes on to say that science will ultimately arrive at a complete understanding of the universe, leaving no room for "god". Oh happy day! Oh glorious day! What a shame I won't be around to see it. And even when it does happen, you can bet your bottom dollar there will be those religitards with their heads stuck firmly in the sand, probably saying something like "god" masked his true intent, so scientists would be blinded to it. Or something equally as idiotic.
   Moving on from "god" to his "son", it seems there's a scrap of papyrus unearthed recently suggesting Jesus was married. Of course, the nut-bars say he was only married to his 'church' and 'ministry'. Hell, the catholic church so firmly believes he was NOT married, they forbid clergy to get hitched. And we all know how wonderful THAT'S turned out for altar boys etc, not to mention pope Benny who now has to deal with the mess.
   And what's the big deal anyway? So what if he got married? Shit, there's 18 years he was unaccounted for. 'Course, religious people will say he was working on his ministry, and communing with "god", etc.
   What they don't say is it's very likely he hitched his star onto a caravan and buggered off. Possibly to India. I did a quick search, and a real hard-core walker can go around the world in 4 years. So, what's to say he didn't make it to India? Certainly what's now the Arab world. Maybe even Europe? And at the risk of sounding totally sacrilegious, what's to say he didn't have a few kids along the way? The Big Book of Thou Shalt Not (bible)? Considering there's no trace of him from 12 to about 30, I won't put my faith in that book.
   And hey, if I'm totally wrong, at least hell is warm! Too bad I don't believe in Hell, either.
   'Nuff said.

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