Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not Appropriate For Children

   At least that's what Bill Nye (The Science Guy) says about biblical creationism. He's released a video dealing with the subject, which (as of Thursday) already had 1.3 million hits on You Tube since it was posted Monday.
   Nye has asked parents who don't support evolution not to teach their beliefs to children. He goes on to say widespread doubt about the scientific concept of evolution would hinder a country renowned for their general grasp of science.
   But a recent poll would seem to suggest otherwise, which showed 46% of American's surveyed fall into the creationist viewpoint thinking a mythical cloud rider (god) created everything within the past 10 thousand years. Nye goes on to say that while more than a few adults believe that fairy tale, kids should be taught evolution to understand science.
   And now, the rant.
   I find it hard to believe that in the 21st century people still subscribe to the silly, if not idiotic, notion that a deity created by man more than 6 thousand years ago in turn created everything we know and see today.
   It`s even more ludicrous given the advancements in science over the past 500 or so years. Advancements and developments which continually knock holes in the creationist theory. It was only 5 or 600 years ago church dogma stated the (flat) earth was the centre of the universe, and everything revolved around us. Silly, really, when you think ancient Greeks had worked out the world was round centuries earlier. And the advancements in science which put the earth at the outskirts of one of some 100 billion galaxies in the universe. You'd think that'd be part of the dogma, since 'god' "created" it all.
   Hell, certain backwoods baptist bible belting bastards would have you believe it to this day. Shit, even the catholic church took 300 years to apologize to Galileo for persecuting him.
   And as to where I put my 'faith'. Evolution. Every time. And it's not just the FACT that evolution exists, but continues to this day. It's more the FACT that I prefer that version of events to anything concocted by 'god'. Lets face it. This is the deity that calls for ritualistic animal sacrifice. Genital mutilation of children. This deity is responsible for genocide, infanticide and the near mass extinction of everything on earth. If you believe the crap in the old testament. Don't believe me? Read the Big Book of thou Shalt Not (the bible) yourself. Both books. You'll understand why I'm an atheist.
   Anyhow, way to go Bill Nye the Evolution Guy! Keep spreading the truth.
   'Nuff said.

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