Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mmmm.....Fish Finger

   But this isn't your ordinary finger made out of fish. No. This was a finger found INSIDE a fish! It seems an unlucky wakeboarder lost the fingers on his left hand whilst pursuing his favorite sport. He was holding a slack line that, when the slack was taken out suddenly, pretty much ripped most of the digits off, sending them to the bottom of an Idaho lake.
   And that's where the story takes a strange, and yucky, twist. That's because a guy out fishing 8 miles and an unsaid period of time later, pulled up a nice trout, and while he was gutting it found.....well, you can put 2 and 2 together for the result. Anyway, our intrepid angler put said finger on ice and called the cops. When they took a fingerprint, they matched it to the owner who, for some strange reason, declined the offer of getting the finger back.
   Cops say they'll keep it for a few weeks if he changes his mind.
   But I bet the wakeboarder and angler never EVER look at fish fingers the same way again!
   'Nuff said.

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