Monday, September 17, 2012

One Year Later And Still No One Cares

Yeah, they're back. The rabble has returned. And the NYPD were there to meet them. And arrest about 100. The self-proclaimed 99% have started the bullshit all over again. A year after they first started, the Occupy Wall Street gang was back in Times Square, they say to rejuvenate the campaign and try to bring down Corporate America, and take down the 1%. Hell, last time I checked, the "protesters" were far below 1%, and the rest of us who simply want to pay our bills were the 99%.
   And as I said back a year or so ago, I'm not happy with the fact that my tax dollars are going to these bums welfare. Or paying for their public defender.
   In fact, I can't see this "groundswell of anti-capitalism" continuing much this fall. Enough people have wised up to the "protesters" and their schemes. In fact, they were booted out of public parks, although I sometimes wonder if the cops were being a bit easy on them.
   And lets face it. Anyone who can afford a Star-Yucks double Latte is 1: Not broke, and 2: A hypocrite for supporting a corporate giant. Same for all those assholes with their i-phones, blackberry's and androids who were texting and face-booking about it while living in 3 to 4 hundred dollars tents.
   Oh, yeah. Lets not forget the disruption to a lot of LOCAL businesses these smelly, spoiled brats caused. Not to mention lost profits for the remaining "Mom and Pop" stores who's profit margin is so small as to barely register. Those are the people you hurt, you narrow minded idiots, NOT the big giants.
   So, I hope this fizzles out quicker than last years "Occupy" bullshit.
   And one final thing. Please feel free to wear one of those stupid "Vendetta" masks when and if you commit a crime. The penalty is a lot harsher when you're "wearing a disguise during the commission of a crime".
   Other than that, pull your fingers out, get a job and make a real contribution.
   'Nuff said.

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