Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Happens In Vegas.....

   In this case makes world-wide news. You've heard about this, and maybe even seen the pictures. Prince Harry has once again, so to speak, put his royal foot in his mouth. Or more to the point, his royal dingle on the web. Seems the 3rd in line to the British throne was in Sin City recently, and pictures of him naked, cavorting with a naked woman have created quite the shit storm. Harry's seen covering his royal jewels with his hands, with a naked chick behind him. It seems he and some other friends "picked up" a couple of girls, and invited them to their room for a game of strip billiards.
   I'm guessing Harry won, cause he still had a couple of balls in play. Along with his cue-stick. I shouldn't assume this, but I'm guessing he also invited miss nude to a game of poke-her. Anyway, the royal family is in a right tizzy over Harry's latest antics, and I'm sure he's gonna get a ticking off when he gets home. His brother, William, is NOT AMUSED, but there's been no word on how Charles, the Queen and other royals are reacting. I'm sure not favorably.
   This isn't the first time Harry's been in dutch with the Windsor Mafia either. A few years back he was seen at a party in a Nazi uniform, giving the Nazi salute. Grand-mama and Grand-papa were decidedly not impressed.
   And neither is the British Army with this latest antic. They say he will be reprimanded, but not dismissed, from the service. According to one story I saw, the military "does not expect such behaviour from someone his age or rank", and he will be "talked to" when he gets back.
   So, what happens in Vegas decidedly does NOT stay in Vegas. Keep your pecker up Harry!
   `Nuff said.

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