Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Texting Terror Take Two

   Not that many days ago (in fact it was August 8th) I blogged about a guy who was texting while driving. His last text was "I need to quit texting because I could die in a car accident". Then he got in an accident, but survived.
   So, we all know about the dangers of texting while driving. And I've also chronicled people who were so wrapped up in what was on that little screen they've walked off piers, into doors and sometimes into traffic.
   Today, we in Canada are getting word that the pilot of a small plane was texting while flying. He died in a crash in Northeastern B.C last November. Investigators say they have evidence showing he not only got 3 texts while airborne, but was on his cell for almost half an hour. The flight was only 65 minutes long. Needless to say the Transportation Safety Board is proposing a crack down on pilots who are just as distracted as drivers who text. Or people simply walking while texting.
   In this case, the pilot was the only person on board, and was the only fatality. They pull commercial pilots out of the flight deck when they're drunk (which is a good thing). I haven't heard any cases one one being yanked for texting on the job. But if it ever does happen, they should. And clip his wings.
   And as unfortunate as ths accident was to the family of the pilot involved, at least he wasn't carrying any passengers.
   'Nuff said.

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